
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


The countdown is getting closer and closer to being over!

Today I worked half a day and learned all about "Cuento Therapy".  It is a research based program that shows teachers the benefit of reading culturally relevant literature to students with different cultural backgrounds and special needs.  Another aspect of the program  was acting out the story after the read aloud.  I use to do this all the time when I taught Pre-K and the kids love it. We would do Nursery Rhyme skits 2 times a week.
For example: Jack be Nimble- I would read the nursery rhyme out loud, then the students would help me, then we would sing the rhyme, and then finally pick characters for the skit and act it out.
I forgot how much fun that was!
I really need to do the skits with my kinder kids.
I hope to build my library with local authors and culturally relevant stories.  It will take some research but I am looking forward to finding these interesting books like:

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