So here it goes!
January is always so much fun! Students come back from their long holiday break eager to learn and not only that but they have the classroom routines aced. Just before we left for the holiday break we created a winter bulletin board inspired by Pinterest. The bulletin board reads: Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow! I don't think we really meant it. Today in South Texas it felt like the high twenties with the wind chill... That is way too cold for us. It did snow one Christmas Eve about 9 or 10 years ago and it was beautiful. So many of my fellow Blogger, Facebook, and Instagram friends are at home either snowed or iced in. YIKES! Stay warm my friends! Especially all the Texas teachers because we are not use to this frigid weather.

We are welcoming students back from winter break tomorrow and I am eager to hear all about their adventures over the holiday.
On another note fourth grade has definetly been a big adjustment for me. So many of you have messaged me or commented on some of my posts asking me who, what, when, and where I moved. I am teaching in the same district and the same school in South Texas. From kinder to fourth grade is a giant difference, which I knew it would be, but I yearned for the challenge and learning experience. Some days I am so overwhelmed with testing and fourth grade TEKS and just doing every lesson for the first time. What helps tremendously is that I have awesome collegues that don't let me slip through the cracks. The whole grade level including some great 5th and 2nd grade teachers have really helped me and encouraged me. The closer this state assessment gets the more motivated and excited I am to teach, motivate, and ignite the learning in my fourth graders.
Fourth Grade "WRITE STUFF"
HoneyBADger Support Team!
I hope I didn't get too personal on this blog post but it is everything I am feeling and excited about right now! I have so much more to say but time is running out! I hope to blog again tonight and tomorrow!! Watch out WORLD!!
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