
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Holidays

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!!
Boy have I been gone a long time or what!! I have been terribly busy with finishing a class and turning in finals, Christmas shopping, entertaining my two boys during their holiday vacation all while being nauseated (I will spare you the gruesome details) and trying to stay awake long enough to have fun during my Christmas break.

Being 9 weeks pregnant, getting my masters, being a mother to my 2 boys, a wife to my husband, blogging, facebooking, etc. seems like it is going to be the most challenging time in my life.
Oh and did I mention that I am turning the BIG----3----0 on January 12th! NOOOOOOOOO!  I can't even put the three in front of the zero with out freaking out! LOL!

My twenties were so much fun, both my sons were born in my twenties, I got married in my twenties, I received my bachelor's degree when I was in my twenties, we bought our first house in my twenties, and I was awarded TEACHER of the YEAR in my twenties!! What more could a girl ask for?

And let's not forget I started blogging, pinning, and facebooking in my twenties.  Whoa, what is 3    0   going to bring?  I know one thing is for sure!  A new addition to our family!  And yes we are really hoping PINK PINK PINK!!
I am hoping that I won't be missing in action for so many days again! Don't forget about me, I am still here!!

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