It is that time of the year for those teachers who start school in August. It is time for us to work on our first magic trick of the year!
It's time to sort through: Boxes, Trash, Filing cabinets, important papers, poster boards, and on and on and on!
I don't know about you but I have to make a mess before I can really get the classroom organized.
I started just a little bit this past week. I am not nearly done but it is always a work in progress.
Working on magic tricks doesn't come in one day ;/
Here is a sneek peak at what magic I have done so far.
AFTER pictures coming soon.
Morning Meeting- Letter Cards, Daily Schedule, Weather, Days of the Week, Number Chart, How Many? chart, Calendar, Months of the Year, carpet will go there as well

Letter Wall, Apple chart for words of the week, objectives of the week

This back wall hurts my eyes!! It is tooooo white! I usually put poster boards up. this is very bare :(
I have to work my magic here!

Teacher area, and messy boxes
centers in the middle
I have not taken pictures of the corners or my centers! I have lots of magic to perform.
I have until August 23rd! YIKES!! I CAN DO IT!
Empowering Little Learners is having a Linky Party!!
Check out other teachers rooms and the work in progress! Looks like we are all in the same boat :/