
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Alphabet Thief

Author Claudia Villarreal came to our school today!
Claudia Villarreal is the author of "The Alphabet Thief Who stole the Vowels"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Last Week of School!

Monday: Game Day

Tuesday: Bubble/Chalk Day

Wednesday: Movie under the stars with your favorite slippers

Thursday: Splash Day

Friday: Early Release @12

Enjoy Your Summer! See you in the fall!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Have a Great Summer!

5-4-3-2-1 Days till Summer!
This has been the best year in teaching EVER! tear tear
Every time I think of this I tear up!
I am going to miss all my students this year, and I look forward to seeing them all grown up in 1st grade :)

Keep in touch with me by visiting:

Dr. Rodriguez PTA- Facebook page

Kinder Fun- Facebook page

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Useful Technology URLs

ALA Top 25 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning

Useful Technology URLs

I recently went to a Technology Conference and learned about some cool sites that teachers can use.
I thought I would share :)
Click on the bear to be redirected. Enjoy Techy Teachers!


Kinder Graduation

Our class of 2011 Kindergarten Graduation is just around the corner!
We are practicing every day and the kids are really excited :P
There are 6 kindergarten Graduating Classes, with about 120 Kinder students.

Friday: May 20th @ 9am in the school cafeteria!

It's Graduation Eve! (May 19th)  We are Excited and Ready!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Children's Book Week!

May 2-9th is Children's Book Week


Monday : Snuggle up and read day-Bring a stuffed animal to school
Tuesday: Hats Off to Reading- wear your favorite hat
Wednesday: We Love to Read- wear clothes with words
Thursday: We're RED HOT readers- wear red
Friday: Join the Reading Team-wear your favorite team shirt

Mrs. Michelle Ayala, Frannie K Stein, Principal: Mrs. Traci Gonzalez, and Miss Bindergarten

Our AWESOME Librarian: Mrs. Linda Pena