
Friday, July 27, 2012


Hi everyone! This week I really enjoyed my homework!
We had to watch 3 scholar videos about action research that has been conducted at their campus or district. I enjoyed listening to the advice part of the videos.  The scholars ended the video with a word of advice to teachers.
One of the scholars: ·        Dr. Timothy Chargois, Director of Research, Planning and Development in Beaumont ISD really struck a cord with me.    I learned that it is not ok for teachers to just be ok with reaching one student a year. We are accountable to reach all students.  I also loved when Dr. Timothy said that we NEVER stop growing!  If you are green you’re growing, if you are brown you’re dying.  I love that saying, I totally have lived by that but have never said it like that. I don’t ever want to be brown.

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