
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

He had a Dream!

Martin Luther King Jr day is on Monday. 
We do not have school on Monday.
This week during social studies we learned and discussed how Martin Luther King Jr has impacted our lives today. 
Even at a kinder (5 and 6 year olds), it is amazing to see how much they understand.  Students were really into the lesson and we had some the best discussion in class this week.
All week students were saying "EVERYBODY FRIENDS".  A slogan inspired by Martin Luther King's big words!

BrainPop Video



2014 UPDATE By Mrs. Ayala-Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Martin Luther King Jr: Social Studies/Writing Foldable using Scholastic News

Click here -->  "I Have a Dream"    to visit my Pinterest board of some more Martin Luther King Jr activities and lessons.

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