
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We are learning all about MAGNETS for the next 3 weeks.                            We had a great time Outside: This is a gutter outside that is magnetic!

Today was our first lesson.
We predicted what we thought magnets were, then we watched a few videos about magnets.     In the picture: A large rock that is painted like a ladybug: NOT MAGNETIC
1st Experiement: Investigate around the classroom and find out what is magnetic in our classroom. Check the chairs, bulletin board, tables, shelves, door, tile, etc.  In the picture: There are so many things on our playground that is magnetic!
2nd Experiement: Investigate around our campus.  We walked around the hallway and outside in our garden and playground area.  In the Picture: LET'S CHECK THAT FENCE!
Our little scientist discovered that our door handles, gutters, swings, water fountain, whiteboard, filing cabinet, and so much more was actually magnetic!      In the picture: Can we check Coach Hernandez and see if he is magnetic?  His whistle and watch are!
In the picture: Mrs. Carbajal checked her pocket. Coins and Hair hair pins are magnetic!
We had a blast :D

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