
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

HCISD Kickoff

Today was our school district's kickoff for teachers.
The kickoff is for all teachers in the district. Our Superintendent Dr. Steve Flores along with our board members and all the Superintendent's staff host a pepralley for teachers to motivate us.  There is loud music and clapping and lots of school spirit.  Each campus wears their school colors, so it is really colorful :D

In the picture is Dr. Flores and Bloggers in Harlingen TX.
In this picture: My Cousin Linda who teaches High School Geography: Explore & Discover The World of Geography    and ME!

This is our district theme for the 2011-2012 school year at HCISD!
That's My Campus!!! Go Dr. Rodriguez!!!

 Kindergarten Teacher, High School Georgraphy Teacher, 2nd Grade Teacher

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