
Thursday, March 3, 2011


We are gearing up for so much fun this month!  This month is TX History Month and TX Public School week is just around the corner.  March 7-11 is our TX Public School Week: Education: IT'S BIGGER IN TEXAS!  All week we are having a variety of activities and many guest speakers coming into our kinder and pre-k classrooms to read their favorite children's book.

Monday we are starting off with Sabrina Heins from Time Warner Cable and we are learning all about TX symbols. 

Tuesday the High School (Harlingen Cardettes) drill team will come and read to our classes. 

Wednesday we have more presenters from our community coming to our classes to speak about their profession and the college they went to. 

 Thursday we are having a Pony pictures.

 Friday the entire kinder grade level will meet in the gym to Line Dancing.
 With the help of parents we ordered cowboy hats. bandannas, and goodie bags for the kids.  It's an awesome way to end the week and especially because that is the Friday before SPRING BREAK!

Mrs. Guajardos Boot Scootin Boots
I love this one!
Here are some more really cute ideas that Mrs. Marmolejo has up on her bulletin board. Mrs. Marmolejo is an awesome veteran at what she does and we all look to her for advice on strategies with our own students.
TX Collages: Mrs. Marmolejo's class had to pick TX pictures from magazines and brochures and then arrange them on a pattern in the shape of TX, they came out very nice.
Mrs. T Martinez's Bulletin board is all MOOOOOO'd out!
Students cut out cows and made spots with finger paint.

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