
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Black History Month

Black History Month: February
During February we usually celebrate 100th day of school, Ground hog's day, Valentine's day, Dental Health, President's Day, George Washington's Birthday, Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, and Black History Month.  Its hard to cover each of these holidays equally, it can be challenging but we do our best right!  When we cover Black History Month we do not really focus on Martin Luther King since we focus on him in January.  Our Kinder Team has geared it more to African American Inventors, (since we can not cover every significant African American in KINDER, we will save SOME for the other grade levels LOL).  George Washington Carver is always in our lessons and several other inventors.  At the beginning of the week we start with Carver and then move on to the other inventors.  To close our mini unit on Black History Month we have a taste of Peanut Butter on Friday during our Social Studies time.
I have a subscrition to Teachers Helper (mailbox) as well that helps a lot when we are planning for our kinder lessons.
Black History Month Coloring Pages -

We used this powerpoint along with several videos from united streaming today.

I have no idea where I found this Power Point, but I have had it a couple of years. It is a great way to initiate a discussion about famous African Americans.  There are no facts or text, just the picture and the names.  I spoke about 2 or 3 facts orally to students as I went through the slides. One of my students had Nike: Air Jordans-so it was great that we connected with the picture of Michael Jordan, he (the student) felt really special:)
United Streaming:

FUN FRIDAY: To close our Black History Month lesson about George Washington Carver, we had a taste of creamy peanut butter and then each student was given 3 peanuts.  The peanuts were in their shell, so the students had to use their FINE MOTOR skills to crack open the peanuts from their shell. We had a really good time with all the peanuts, I joined in on the tasting too!:)

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