
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Harlingen Football

I love to find time during Social Studies or a just a few spare minute here or there to show and talk to the kids about our community.  In Harlingen TX, there are 2 high schools.  This Friday the two teams will be playing each other in what we call the BIRD BOWL.
Harlingen High School Cardinals vs. Harlingen High School South Hawks
Our school district news station made these awesome videos. I love that we can show these short video to our little ones and encourage them to look toward the future and to get involved.  
Being involved, being a good citizen, and making good grades will make students successful!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Letter A A A A A A

The Letter of the Week is: Aa
The password for the week is: The
There are so many exciting and fun activities for the letter Aa.
It is September and just a couple of days before Autumn rolls in.
These are some of our activities of the week :D

Red/Yellow/Green Apples, Apples Apples

Activity: Predict which color of apple will be your favorite. Color/Cut

Thanks to the parents who donated the Red/Yellow/& Green Apples

How does it taste? Sweet/Bitter/Sour (This was a great follow up to our 5 senses lessons that we did 2 weeks ago.)

 How were your predictions? Did they stay the same? Change?
Now let's graph.  This is our first class graph.  As we progress through the year we will add a graph title, numbers, and categories.

We had a great turnout of apples that were donated.  Everyone was lucky enough to take an apple home today.  Now students have the opportunity to share our lesson today with their family at home and if they choose they can recreate our class activity at home with their family.

Our Craft Activity for the week.
This is a REALLY COOL site! -->

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


Hi Everyone! I have a facebook page!
Stop on by and like Kinder Fun on Facebook!
Stop by "The Lesson Plan Diva" and check out her facebook linky party!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The letter of the week is: Mm
The Password is: We
I found this video on YouTube! We now have access at campus to YouTube.  There are a million really good educational FREE videos out there.
Check it out!

Using this video was a great way to introduce our letter of the week!
Mm is for monster craft.

I just linked up over at:
Rainbows Within Reach by Debbie Clement is hosting a Monster Linky Party!  Super Cute Ideas!


This week we started our Family Unit.
Parents Please send a family picture to school for a show and tell on Friday.
Here is my family:

Ayala Family

Mother/Daughter Dinner

 Family Birthday Dinner

                                                                                          Ayala Family
Ayala Boys
                                                                                Matthew and Mom
Educators in the Family-Seated are my aunt and uncle who both have 30 years experience in education.  I remember as a little girl looking up to them and I love visiting their classrooms.  They were my foundation when I wondered what I would be when I grew up.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mini Lessons/Student Activities

 Alphabet Card Game

Solid to Liquid-Ice

 5 Senses- taste